Source code for capitains_nautilus.inventory.local

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import unicode_literals
import io
from six import text_type as str

from MyCapytain.resources.inventory import TextInventory, TextGroup, Work, Citation
from MyCapytain.resources.texts.local import Text
from MyCapytain.common.reference import URN
from lxml.objectify import makeparser, parse as objectify
from capitains_nautilus.errors import *
from glob import glob
import os.path
from capitains_nautilus.inventory.proto import InventoryResolver
from capitains_nautilus import _cache_key
from capitains_nautilus.cache import BaseCache
import logging
import pickle

[docs]class XMLFolderResolver(InventoryResolver): """ XML Folder Based resolver. :param resource: Resource should be a list of folders retaining data as Capitains Guidelines Repositories :type resource: [str] :param name: Key used to differentiate Repository and thus enabling different repo to be used :type name: str :param inventories: :type inventories: :param cache: Cache object to be used for the inventory :type cache: BaseCache :param logger: Logging object :type logger: logging :cvar TEXT_CLASS: Text Class [not instantiated] to be used to parse Texts. Can be changed to support Cache for example :type TEXT_CLASS: class :ivar inventory_cache_key: Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for the TextInventory :ivar texts_cache_key: Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for lists of metadata texts objects :ivar texts_parsed: Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for lists of parsed texts objects :ivar texts: List of Text Metadata objects :ivar source: Original resource parameter .. warning :: This resolver does not support inventories """ TEXT_CLASS = Text def __init__(self, resource, inventories=None, cache=None, name=None, logger=None, auto_parse=True): """ Initiate the XMLResolver """ super(XMLFolderResolver, self).__init__(resource=resource) if not isinstance(cache, BaseCache): cache = BaseCache() self.__inventories__ = inventories self.__parser__ = makeparser() self.__cache = cache = name self.logger = logger if not logger: self.logger = logging.getLogger(name) if not name: = "repository" self.TEXT_CLASS = XMLFolderResolver.TEXT_CLASS = [] self.inventory_cache_key = _cache_key("Nautilus", "Inventory", "Resources", self.texts_metadata_cache_key = _cache_key("Nautilus", "Inventory", "TextsMetadata", self.texts_parsed_cache_key = _cache_key("Nautilus", "Inventory", "TextsParsed", __inventory__ = self.__cache.get(self.inventory_cache_key) __texts__ = self.__cache.get(self.texts_metadata_cache_key) if __inventory__ and __texts__: self.inventory, self.__texts__ = __inventory__, __texts__ elif auto_parse: self.parse(resource)
[docs] def xmlparse(self, file): """ Parse a XML file :param file: Opened File :return: Tree """ return objectify(file, parser=self.__parser__)
[docs] def cache(self, inventory, texts): """ Cache main objects of the resolver : TextInventory and Texts Metadata objects :param inventory: Inventory resource :type inventory: TextInventory :param texts: List of Text Metadata Objects :type texts: [MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Text] """ self.inventory, self.__texts__ = inventory, texts self.__cache.set(self.inventory_cache_key, inventory) self.__cache.set(self.texts_metadata_cache_key, texts)
[docs] def text_to_cache(self, text): """ Cache a text :param text: Text to be cached """ self.__cache.set( _cache_key(self.texts_parsed_cache_key, str(text.urn)), text )
[docs] def cache_to_text(self, urn): """ Get a text from Cache :param text: Text to be cached :return: Text object :rtype: Text """ return self.__cache.get( _cache_key(self.texts_parsed_cache_key, str(urn)), )
[docs] def flush(self): """ Flush current resolver objects and cache """ self.inventory = TextInventory() for text in self.__texts__: self.__cache.delete(_cache_key(self.texts_parsed_cache_key, str(text.urn))) self.__texts__ = [] self.__cache.delete(self.inventory_cache_key) self.__cache.delete(self.texts_metadata_cache_key)
[docs] def parse(self, resource, cache=True): """ Parse a list of directories ans :param resource: List of folders :param cache: Auto cache the results :return: An inventory resource and a list of Text metadata-objects """ for folder in resource: textgroups = glob("{base_folder}/data/*/__cts__.xml".format(base_folder=folder)) for __cts__ in textgroups: try: with as __xml__: textgroup = TextGroup( resource=__xml__ ) str_urn = str(textgroup.urn) if str_urn in self.inventory.textgroups: self.inventory.textgroups[str_urn].update(textgroup) else: self.inventory.textgroups[str_urn] = textgroup for __subcts__ in glob("{parent}/*/__cts__.xml".format(parent=os.path.dirname(__cts__))): with as __xml__: work = Work( resource=__xml__, parents=[self.inventory.textgroups[str_urn]] ) work_urn = str(work.urn) if work_urn in self.inventory.textgroups[str_urn].works: self.inventory.textgroups[str_urn].works[work_urn].update(work) else: self.inventory.textgroups[str_urn].works[work_urn] = work for __textkey__ in work.texts: __text__ = self.inventory.textgroups[str_urn].works[work_urn].texts[__textkey__] __text__.path = "{directory}/{textgroup}.{work}.{version}.xml".format( directory=os.path.dirname(__subcts__), textgroup=__text__.urn.textgroup,, version=__text__.urn.version ) if os.path.isfile(__text__.path): try: with as f: t = Text(resource=self.xmlparse(f)) cites = list() for cite in [c for c in t.citation][::-1]: if len(cites) >= 1: cites.append(Citation( xpath=cite.xpath.replace("'", '"'), scope=cite.scope.replace("'", '"'),, child=cites[-1] )) else: cites.append(Citation( xpath=cite.xpath.replace("'", '"'), scope=cite.scope.replace("'", '"'), )) __text__.citation = cites[-1]"%s has been parsed ", __text__.path) if __text__.citation: self.__texts__.append(__text__) else: self.logger.error("%s has no passages", __text__.path) except Exception: self.logger.error( "%s does not accept parsing at some level (most probably citation) ", __text__.path ) else: self.logger.error("%s is not present", __text__.path) except Exception as E: self.logger.error("Error parsing %s ", __cts__) if cache: self.cache(self.inventory, self.__texts__) return self.inventory, self.__texts__
[docs] def getText(self, urn): """ Returns a Text object :param urn: URN of a text to retrieve :type urn: str, URN :return: Textual resource and metadata :rtype: (text.Text, inventory.Text) """ if not isinstance(urn, URN): urn = URN(urn) if len(urn) != 5: raise InvalidURN text = self.inventory[str(urn)] with as __xml__: resource = self.TEXT_CLASS(urn=urn, resource=self.xmlparse(__xml__)) return resource, text
[docs] def getCapabilities(self, urn=None, page=None, limit=None, inventory=None, lang=None, category=None, pagination=True ): """ Retrieve a slice of the inventory filtered by given arguments :param urn: Partial URN to use to filter out resources :type urn: str :param page: Page to show :type page: int :param limit: Item Per Page :type limit: int :param inventory: Inventory name :type inventory: str :param lang: Language to filter on :type lang: str :param category: Type of elements to show :type category: str :param pagination: Activate pagination :type pagination: bool :return: ([Matches], Page, Count) :rtype: ([Text], int, int) """ __PART = None if urn is not None: _urn = URN(urn) __PART = [None, None, URN.NAMESPACE, URN.TEXTGROUP, URN.WORK, URN.VERSION, URN.COMPLETE][len(_urn)] matches = [ text for text in self.__texts__ if (lang is None or (lang is not None and lang == text.lang)) and (urn is None or (urn is not None and text.urn.upTo(__PART) == urn)) and (text.citation is not None) and (category not in ["edition", "translation"] or (category in ["edition", "translation"] and category.lower() == text.subtype.lower())) ] if pagination: start_index, end_index, page, count = XMLFolderResolver.pagination(page, limit, len(matches)) else: start_index, end_index, page, count = None, None, 0, len(matches) return matches[start_index:end_index], page, count