Capitains Nautilus API Documentation

Library Structure

Library Software Architecture


Resolver provides a system to retrieve a text file and an inventory from local resources for example.

CapiTainS formatted repository

class capitains_nautilus.inventory.local.XMLFolderResolver(resource, inventories=None, cache=None, name=None, logger=None, auto_parse=True)[source]

XML Folder Based resolver.

  • resource ([str]) – Resource should be a list of folders retaining data as Capitains Guidelines Repositories
  • name (str) – Key used to differentiate Repository and thus enabling different repo to be used
  • inventories
  • cache (BaseCache) – Cache object to be used for the inventory
  • logger (logging) – Logging object
  • TEXT_CLASS – Text Class [not instantiated] to be used to parse Texts. Can be changed to support Cache for example
  • inventory_cache_key – Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for the TextInventory
  • texts_cache_key – Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for lists of metadata texts objects
  • texts_parsed – Werkzeug Cache key to get or set cache for lists of parsed texts objects
  • texts – List of Text Metadata objects
  • source – Original resource parameter


This resolver does not support inventories


alias of Text

cache(inventory, texts)[source]

Cache main objects of the resolver : TextInventory and Texts Metadata objects

  • inventory (TextInventory) – Inventory resource
  • texts ([MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Text]) – List of Text Metadata Objects

Get a text from Cache

Parameters:text – Text to be cached
Returns:Text object
Return type:Text

Flush current resolver objects and cache

getCapabilities(urn=None, page=None, limit=None, inventory=None, lang=None, category=None, pagination=True)[source]

Retrieve a slice of the inventory filtered by given arguments

  • urn (str) – Partial URN to use to filter out resources
  • page (int) – Page to show
  • limit (int) – Item Per Page
  • inventory (str) – Inventory name
  • lang (str) – Language to filter on
  • category (str) – Type of elements to show
  • pagination (bool) – Activate pagination

([Matches], Page, Count)

Return type:

([Text], int, int)


Returns a Text object

Parameters:urn (str, URN) – URN of a text to retrieve
Returns:Textual resource and metadata
Return type:(text.Text, inventory.Text)
parse(resource, cache=True)[source]

Parse a list of directories ans

  • resource – List of folders
  • cache – Auto cache the results

An inventory resource and a list of Text metadata-objects


Cache a text

Parameters:text – Text to be cached

Parse a XML file

Parameters:file – Opened File


class capitains_nautilus.inventory.proto.InventoryResolver(resource, auto_parse=True)[source]

Inventory Resolver Prototype. It is used to serve local xml files and an inventory.

  • resource – Resource used to retrieve texts
  • auto_parse – Automatically parse the resource on initialization
  • DEFAULT_PAGE – Default Page to show
  • PER_PAGE – Tuple representing the minimal number of texts returned, the default number and the maximum number of texts returned
  • source – Reading access to original resource
  • texts – List of MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Text
static pagination(page, limit, length)[source]

Help for pagination

  • page – Provided Page
  • limit – Number of item to show
  • length – Length of the list to paginate

(Start Index, End Index, Page Number, Item Count)


Extension of MyCapytains resources

class capitains_nautilus.mycapytain.NautilusRetriever(folders=None, cache=None, pagination=True, logger=None, auto_parse=True, resolver=<class 'capitains_nautilus.inventory.local.XMLFolderResolver'>)[source]

Bases: MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5.CTS

Nautilus Implementation of MyCapytain Endpoint

  • folders (list(str)) – List of Capitains Guidelines structured folders
  • logger (logging) – Logging handler
  • auto_parse – Parses on first execution the resources given to build inventory
  • resolver (XMLFolderResolver) – Resolver to be used
  • logger – Logging handler
  • resolver – Resolver for repository and text path
getCapabilities(inventory=None, output='text/xml', **kwargs)[source]

Retrieve the inventory information of an API

  • inventory (text) – Name of the inventory
  • format (str) – Format type of response. capitains_nautilus.response

Formatted output of the inventory

Return type:


getFirstUrn(urn, inventory=None, output='text/xml')[source]

Retrieve valid first URN

  • urn (text) – URN identifying the text
  • inventory (text) – Name of the inventory

Formatted response with first URN

Return type:


getLabel(urn, inventory=None, output='text/xml')[source]

Retrieve label informations

  • urn (text) – URN identifying the text
  • inventory (text) – Name of the inventory

Formatted response with metadata

Return type:


getPassage(urn, inventory=None, context=None, output='text/xml')[source]

Get a Passage from the repository

  • urn – URN identifying the passage
  • inventory (text) – Name of the inventory
  • format (str) – Format type of response. capitains_nautilus.response
  • context – Unused parameter for now

Passage asked for, in given format

getPassagePlus(urn, inventory=None, context=None, output='text/xml')[source]

Get a Passage and its metadata from the repository

  • urn – URN identifying the passage
  • inventory (text) – Name of the inventory
  • format (str) – Format type of response. capitains_nautilus.response
  • context – Unused parameter for now

Passage asked for, in given format

getPrevNextUrn(urn, inventory=None, output='text/xml')[source]

Retrieve valid previous and next URN

  • urn (text) – URN identifying the text
  • inventory (text) – Name of the inventory

Formatted response with prev and next urn

Return type:


getText(urn, inventory=None)[source]

Retrieves a text in the inventory in case of partial URN or throw error when text is not accessible

  • urn (text) – URN identifying the text
  • inventory – Name of

( Original URN, Corrected URN, Text, Metadata Text)

getValidReff(urn, inventory=None, level=1, output='text/xml')[source]

Retrieve valid urn-references for a text

  • urn (text) – URN identifying the text
  • inventory (text) – Name of the inventory
  • level (int) – Depth of references expected

Formatted response or list of references

Return type:


class capitains_nautilus.mycapytain.Text(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: MyCapytain.resources.texts.local.Text


alias of BaseCache

TIMEOUT = {'getValidReff': 604800}
getValidReff(level=1, reference=None)[source]

Cached method of the original object

  • level
  • reference – Reference object


Responses builders

Response generator for the queries

capitains_nautilus.response.getcapabilities(texts, page=None, count=None, output='text/xml', **kwargs)[source]

Transform a list of texts into a string representation

Parameters:texts – List of Text objects
Returns:String representation of the Inventory
capitains_nautilus.response.getfirst(passage, request_urn, output='text/xml')[source]
capitains_nautilus.response.getlabel(metadata, full_urn, request_urn, output='text/xml')[source]
capitains_nautilus.response.getpassage(passage, metadata, request_urn, output='text/xml')[source]
capitains_nautilus.response.getpassageplus(passage, metadata, request_urn, output='text/xml')[source]
capitains_nautilus.response.getprevnext(passage, request_urn, output='text/xml')[source]
capitains_nautilus.response.getvalidreff(reffs, level, request_urn, output='text/xml')[source]


exception capitains_nautilus.errors.CTSError[source]

Bases: BaseException

CODE = None
exception capitains_nautilus.errors.InvalidContext[source]

Bases: capitains_nautilus.errors.CTSError

Invalid value for context parameter in GetPassage or GetPassagePlus request

CODE = 5
exception capitains_nautilus.errors.InvalidLevel[source]

Bases: capitains_nautilus.errors.CTSError

Invalid value for level parameter in GetValidReff request

CODE = 4
exception capitains_nautilus.errors.InvalidURN[source]

Bases: capitains_nautilus.errors.CTSError

Syntactically valid URN refers in invalid value

CODE = 3
exception capitains_nautilus.errors.InvalidURNSyntax[source]

Bases: capitains_nautilus.errors.CTSError

Invalid URN syntax

CODE = 2
exception capitains_nautilus.errors.MissingParameter[source]

Bases: capitains_nautilus.errors.CTSError

Request missing one or more required parameters

CODE = 1
exception capitains_nautilus.errors.UnknownResource[source]

Bases: capitains_nautilus.errors.CTSError

Resource requested is not found

CODE = 6


class capitains_nautilus.cache.BaseCache(default_timeout=300)[source]

Bases: object

Based on the werkzeug.contrib.cache.BaseCache object. Provides a wrapper for other cache system in the future.

Parameters:default_timeout – the default timeout (in seconds) that is used if no timeout is specified on set(). A timeout of 0 indicates that the cache never expires.
add(key, value, timeout=None)[source]

Works like set() but does not overwrite the values of already existing keys. :param key: the key to set :param value: the value for the key :param timeout: the cache timeout for the key in seconds (if not

specified, it uses the default timeout). A timeout of 0 idicates that the cache never expires.
Returns:Same as set(), but also False for already existing keys.
Return type:boolean

Clears the cache. Keep in mind that not all caches support completely clearing the cache. :returns: Whether the cache has been cleared. :rtype: boolean

dec(key, delta=1)[source]

Decrements the value of a key by delta. If the key does not yet exist it is initialized with -delta. For supporting caches this is an atomic operation. :param key: the key to increment. :param delta: the delta to subtract. :returns: The new value or None for backend errors.


Delete key from the cache. :param key: the key to delete. :returns: Whether the key existed and has been deleted. :rtype: boolean


Deletes multiple keys at once. :param keys: The function accepts multiple keys as positional

Returns:Whether all given keys have been deleted.
Return type:boolean

Look up key in the cache and return the value for it. :param key: the key to be looked up. :returns: The value if it exists and is readable, else None.

Like get_many() but return a dict::
d = cache.get_dict(“foo”, “bar”) foo = d[“foo”] bar = d[“bar”]
Parameters:keys – The function accepts multiple keys as positional arguments.

Returns a list of values for the given keys. For each key a item in the list is created:

foo, bar = cache.get_many("foo", "bar")

Has the same error handling as get(). :param keys: The function accepts multiple keys as positional


Checks if a key exists in the cache without returning it. This is a cheap operation that bypasses loading the actual data on the backend. This method is optional and may not be implemented on all caches. :param key: the key to check

inc(key, delta=1)[source]

Increments the value of a key by delta. If the key does not yet exist it is initialized with delta. For supporting caches this is an atomic operation. :param key: the key to increment. :param delta: the delta to add. :returns: The new value or None for backend errors.

set(key, value, timeout=None)[source]

Add a new key/value to the cache (overwrites value, if key already exists in the cache). :param key: the key to set :param value: the value for the key :param timeout: the cache timeout for the key in seconds (if not

specified, it uses the default timeout). A timeout of 0 idicates that the cache never expires.
Returns:True if key has been updated, False for backend errors. Pickling errors, however, will raise a subclass of pickle.PickleError.
Return type:boolean
set_many(mapping, timeout=None)[source]

Sets multiple keys and values from a mapping. :param mapping: a mapping with the keys/values to set. :param timeout: the cache timeout for the key in seconds (if not

specified, it uses the default timeout). A timeout of 0 idicates that the cache never expires.
Returns:Whether all given keys have been set.
Return type:boolean

Flask Extension

class capitains_nautilus.flask_ext.FlaskNautilus(prefix='', app=None, name=None, resources=None, parser_cache=None, compresser=True, http_cache=None, pagination=False, access_Control_Allow_Origin=None, access_Control_Allow_Methods=None, logger=None, auto_parse=True)[source]

Bases: object

Initiate the class

  • prefix – Prefix on which to install the extension
  • app – Application on which to register
  • name – Name to use for the blueprint
  • resources (list(str)) – List of directory to feed the inventory
  • logger (logging) – Logging handler.
  • parser_cache (BaseCache) – Cache object
  • http_cache – HTTP Cache should be a FlaskCache object
  • auto_parse – Parses on first execution the resources given to build inventory. Not recommended for production
Access_Control_Allow_Methods = {'r_dispatcher': 'OPTIONS, GET'}
Access_Control_Allow_Origin = '*'

alias of StreamHandler

ROUTES = [('/', 'r_dispatcher', ['GET'])]
init_app(app, compresser=False)[source]

Initiate the extension on the application

Parameters:app – Flask Application
Returns:Blueprint for Flask Nautilus registered in app
Return type:Blueprint

Properly generates the blueprint, registering routes and filters and connecting the app and the blueprint

Returns:Blueprint of the extension
Return type:Blueprint

Actual main route of CTS APIs. Transfer typical requests through the ?request=REQUESTNAME route


Set up the Logger for the application

Parameters:logger – logging.Logger object
Returns:Logger instance

Builds response according to a function name

Parameters:function_name – Route name / function name
capitains_nautilus.flask_ext.FlaskNautilusManager(nautilus, app=None)[source]

Provides a manager for flask scripts to perform specific maintenance operations

  • nautilus – Nautilus Extension Instance
  • app – Flask Application


Return type:


Import with

class capitains_nautilus.flask_ext.WerkzeugCacheWrapper(instance=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: capitains_nautilus.cache.BaseCache

Werkzeug Cache Wrapper for Nautilus Base Cache object

Parameters:instance – Werkzeug Cache instance
add(key, value, timeout=None)[source]
set(key, value, timeout=None)[source]

