Welcome to Capitains’ Nautilus’ documentation!

Capitains Nautilus

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Documentation will be built in time.

Running Nautilus from the command line

This small tutorial takes that you have one or more Capitains formated repositories (such as http://github.com/PerseusDL/canonical-latinLit ) in the folders /home/USERNAME/repository1 where USERNAME is your user session name.

  1. (Advised) Create a virtual environment and source it : virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 env, source env/bin/activate

  2. With development version:
    • Clone the repository : git clone https://github.com/Capitains/Nautilus.git
    • Go to the directory : cd Nautilus
    • Install the source with develop option : python setup.py develop
  1. With production version (not available for now):
    • Install from pip : pip install capitains-nautilus
  2. You will be able now to call capitains nautilus help information through capitains-nautilus --help

  3. Basic setting for testing a directory is capitains-nautilus --debug /home/USERNAME/repository1. This can take more than one repository at the end such as capitains-nautilus --debug /home/USERNAME/repository1 /home/USERNAME/repository2. You can force host and port through –host and –port parameters.

Source for the tests

Textual resources and inventories are owned by Perseus under CC-BY Licences. See https://github.com/PerseusDL/canonical-latinLit and https://github.com/PerseusDL/canonical-farsiLit